Data Exchange Update – April 2021

Data Exchange Report Updates

As part of the Data Exchange’s ongoing review of the reports, we have made some minor additions and changes to the Organisation Overview report, which will be released on 6 May 2021.  These changes include:

  • New ‘Exit Reason’ graph added to Service Summary sheet. The ‘Exit Reason’ field was updated and extended to all Data Exchange programs as an optional partnership approach field in February 2021.
  • 'Program Agency’ has been added as a filter in the User Guide. This will allow users to filter data by a particular funding entity.
  • Revised ‘NDAP’ filter. For National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) users, the Service Type -> NDAP Topic filter in the NDAP sheet has been split into two separate filters.
  • New ‘Family Law’ sheets. For Family Law Services users, the previous ‘Attorney General’s Department’ sheet has been split into two sheets and renamed as ‘Family Law - Fees & Certificates’, and ‘Family Law – Agreements’.
    • Family Law - Fees & Certificates’ contains data relating to ‘Fees Charged’ and ‘Section 60I Certificates’.
    • ‘Family Law - Agreements’ contains data relating to ‘Parenting Agreement’ and the recently-introduced ‘Property Agreement’, including new charts that show ‘Parenting Agreements over time’ and ‘Property Agreements over time’.

Data Exchange ‘Staging’ Updates

In advance of new program-specific fields being added to the Data Exchange in June 2021 for the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) program; the Data Exchange ‘Staging’ environment will be updated with the future fields on 4 May 2021.

Testing is recommended for organisations using Bulk File upload or System-to-System Web Services transmission methods. Information regarding these changes, and guidance for use can be found in the updated Data Exchange Technical Specifications:

These new fields apply only to the RFCS program; there are no changes to other Data Exchange data fields, or fields for other programs. 

Program Specific Guidance

The Program Specific Guidance for Commonwealth Agencies document has been updated to incorporate new Data Exchange programs, and updated guidance and changes to current programs.