Update: 23 March 2020

Community Outcomes Report is now available

We are excited to announce the highly anticipated Community Outcomes Report is now available!

The Community component within SCORE allows organisations to collect outcomes data based on engagement work they deliver to large groups, organisations and/or communities. There are four domains within the Community component where engagement work can focus:

  • Group/Community knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours for a group of clients or community members participating in the service (where it is not feasible to record the changes for individual members of the group or community)
  • Organisational knowledge, skills and practices to better respond to the needs of targeted clients or communities.
  • Community infrastructure and networks to better respond to the needs of targeted clients and communities.
  • Social cohesion to demonstrate greater community cohesion and social harmony.

The Community Outcomes Report now enables organisations participating in the Partnership Approach to view and analyse this data.

We welcome your feedback on the report.  Please submit your comments through the Data Exchange helpdesk ‘provide feedback’ button.

For further information on the Community Outcomes Report, please see the Community Outcomes Report fact sheet.

Final days until AUSkey is turned off!

On 27 March, the Department of Social Services along with 26 other government agencies, will retire the decade-old AUSkey and the Manage ABN Connections login credentials. This means anyone using the Data Exchange or a range of other government online services will need to setup and use myGovID by this date.

While we cannot change this date, we will still be available to support users with getting a myGovID and linking to the Data Exchange after 27 March 2020.

Set up your myGovID today – it is simple, secure and flexible, enabling connection from work, home or elsewhere. Start by downloading the myGovID app from the App Store or Google Play and follow the enrolment process.

Once you are set up, your principal authority (business owner) will need to link your myGovID to the business using the authorisation service called Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

For more information on myGovID and RAM, please visit:

The myGovID and RAM webinar is now available on the training page. Thank you to those who were able to attend the myGovID and RAM information sessions across Australia.

Data Exchange Reports video

The Data Exchange offers a range of self service reports that give a picture of short and long-term outcomes for clients, across programs. The reports share de-identified data that inform business planning and provides insights into program delivery and policy development. This 3-minute video provides information on the self-service Data Exchange reports, what the reports are and how organisations use them. View the video.

Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Webinar

The Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) webinar has now been published on the Data Exchange website. This webinar works through three sections broken down into the Data Exchange basics, capturing SCORE and extracting report information. There is also a Questions and Answers document published alongside the webinar.

Standard Australian Classification of Countries

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has published a revision of the 2016 Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), and have updated references to some countries. The same changes have now been made to the Data Exchange country of birth values.

  • The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is now North Macedonia;
  • The Czech Republic is now Czechia; and
  • Swaziland is now Eswatini.