Find and edit a case video

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Find and edit a Case in the Data Exchange web-based portal

Hi there, welcome to our video on how to find and edit a case in the Data Exchange web-based portal

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I have created a case but I need to make some changes. How can I do this?

Editing a case is a simple and quick process

A case is not dependent on a reporting period and can be updated at any time.

This video will show you how to find and edit a case

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To edit a case you will first need to find the case.

There are two ways to search for a case in the portal.

The first way is to select the ‘find a case’ icon from the home screen.

This will display the find a case screen for you.

On this page, type in the case details you would like to search for. This can include a case or client Id, an outlet or a program activity and then select the search button. In this example, we are going to search for the outlet of Penguin Primary and the program activity of Reconnect. All matching records will appear under the results section located at the bottom of the page. Select the correct case by clicking the case Id. Here we are going to select Case 0314.

The case details screen will display.

The second way to find a case is to start typing the case Id into the search bar at the top of the home page.

Here we will start searching for the Case ID of 0314. A list of cases will appear as you start typing, allowing you to select the correct case from the list. Here again we will select Case 0314.

Once a case has been selected, the case details screen will display.

To edit case details, select the edit case details button located at the top of the page.

The edit case details screen will now display. Here you can edit the Case Id, outlet, program activity, total number of unidentified clients associated with the case and attendance details. This screen also allows you to enter an end date for the case. You can do this by typing in the date in a day, month and year format or by using the calendar function provided. A case can be ended at any time, however it can only be ended on the actual date required and not a date in the future. A case that has been ended can be reopened at any time.

If you would like to exit the edit screen with no changes you can select the cancel button.

In this example, we are going to update the Case ID to Monday Sessions.

Once you have completed updating the case information you can select the save button.

This will take you back to the case details screen and a message will appear at the top of the page advising that the case has been successfully saved.

If you wish to delete the case, you can select the delete case button located at the top. You can only delete a case if there are no sessions attached to it.

If you wish to add or remove a client from the case, you can select the attach or detach clients button. This will display the attach or detach clients’ screen.

On this screen you can attach a client by searching and finding a client and selecting the ‘attach selected clients’ button. In this example, we are going to search for the surname of Jones and then select the client Trevor Jones. To add this client we can select the attach selected clients button. If you wish to remove a client from a case you can select the relevant client under the clients attached to the case section. Here we are going to select James Jones and select the remove selected clients button. A warning message will appear to ensure that you want detach the selected client. Here we are going to select yes. The clients attached to this case have now been updated.

Some clients will have grey boxes next to their name and will not be able to be removed from the case as they are attached to a session within the case.

To return to the case details screen select the back button.

From this screen you are also able to add a session to the case. You can do this by selecting the add session button located at the bottom. You can also select to edit the session by selecting the Session Id. For information about sessions, please refer to the resources available on the Data Exchange website.

You have now successfully found a case and updated case details in the Data Exchange web-based portal

For more information go to the Data Exchange website at

Or contact the Helpdesk by phone or email

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1800 020 283 (Ext 3)

Thank you for watching


Information on updating cases, finding a case, search area fields, results section, and ending a case.

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