Find a case

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Welcome to the Data Exchange training module - Find a case.

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The following is navigation information for non-mouse users:

  • The space bar is similar to the play/pause button and will play or pause the presentation.
  • The left arrow is similar to the back and previous buttons and will go to the previous screen.
  • The right arrow is similar to the forward and next buttons and will go to the next screen.
  • The tab button will allow you to move through to the different elements on a page and using tab then the enter button will access information within those elements.
  • The esc button is similar to the exit button and will exit out of the presentation.
  • The end button is similar to the skip button and will skip a section of the presentation.

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Once you’ve created a case within the Data Exchange, you can go back and find the details of that case, you can add additional sessions to the case and you can edit the number of client participants within the case.

To find an existing case, go to the Find Case button on the home screen.

Here, you can see the Find a case screen.

This screen is defaulted to show all cases within your organisation. In the results area, you can see in this example that there are a number of cases that are associated with this organisation.

You can move through the views of these cases by using the paging function at the bottom of the screen or you can also show additional case records as either 20 or 50 case records at a time. You can do this by clicking the drop down arrow next to the number 10, select your number, then click the Go button. The default is 10.

You can also sort these case details by using the sort buttons next to each of the functions, such as the Case ID, the Outlet, the Programme activity and the creation date.

You can further refine the results area here by using the Search function, using either a Case ID, the Outlet it was created under, the creation period, or show cases that you have created.

Note that you can only search by programme activity once you have selected the outlet.

For this example, we are going to search for cases created under the outlet of Sydney.

Once you have selected the outlet, click the Search button.

You can see the results now show 63 cases are from the outlet of Sydney.

You can clear the search by clicking Clear and then Search.

The results are now back displaying all the cases and remember you can also search by more than one option.

In this example we are going to search by the outlet of Sydney and also the programme activity of Problem Gambling. Once you have selected what you wish to search by, select Search.

You can see that the results are now three cases. Once you’ve found a case record that you wish to view, select the name of the Case ID and this will bring you to the Case details page.

Here you can see that we have the details for the particular case, the clients associated with it, and all the sessions that have been delivered.

Please note that you can only delete a case if there are no sessions attached to it.

You can however edit the details of the case at any time by selecting the Edit Case Details button.

Here we can make changes to the Case ID name, and add additional unidentified clients to this case. Once you have made your changes click Save.

Once you have clicked save you will be returned to the Case details screen. You may return to add or remove clients from the case. To do this we select the Attach/Detach Clients button.

In the Attach/Detach clients screen you have the option to search for clients.

In this example we are searching for a client with the last name of Press. Once we have typed the details into the Family name field, we click Search.

You can see there is one result from our search. To select this client and attach them to the case, you need to click the tick box and select the Attach Selected Clients button.

This will bring that client record into your case record.

You can remove this client by clicking the box and then the Remove Selected Clients will become available.

You will notice that there are some clients with grey boxes next to their names. These clients cannot be removed as they are attached to a session within the case.

In this example though we want David to remain attached to the case so we will select the Back button.

Here we will return to the Case details screen.

As the case progresses, you will need to add additional sessions to the case each time one is delivered.

There are two ways to do this. You can either click Add a session or you can click Copy a session.

These functions are covered in the Add a session module which is available on the Data Exchange website.

This now concludes the demonstration on how to find a case.

There is a wealth of information and support material available to assist you in using the Data Exchange effectively. These include the Data Exchange website, the Protocols document, task cards along with other eLearning modules and Helpdesk.

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This module will discuss how to find an existing case.

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