Find a client

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Welcome to the Data Exchange training module – Find a client.

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Within the Data Exchange, a client record only ever needs to be created once within an organisation.

Select the below options to find out more information on client records.

  • Find, view and edit

    You can find a client searching by their given name, family name, client ID, date created from and/or tags.

    You can edit a client’s record at any time.
  • Delete or exit

    You can only delete a client if they are not attached to a session or a case. It is suggested that a client record not be deleted as that client may wish to access different services within an organisation at a later date.

    Please note: For clients that are attached to a Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) case, it is recommended that you exit the client from the case. Instructions on how to do this are found in Task card 9 – Add a case.
  • Attach to a case and session

    A client must be attached to a case and a session to be counted in reporting.

    Instructions on how to do this are found in Task card 9 – Add a case and Task card 10 – Add a session.
  • Partnership Approach

    If your organisation has opted in to the Partnership Approach, additional information can be recorded against a client record. This includes extended demographic details, referral source and reason, referrals to other services and SCORE.

To find a client, click on Find a Client on the Data Exchange home page.

The Find a client screen displays.

The default for this screen is to show all client records within your organisation with the most recently created record on top.

Let’s look at the Results section in more detail.

You can sort these details by Name, Client ID, Date of Birth, Gender or date Created on. You can also sort through the page details using the paging function at the bottom of the screen.

You can also choose to show more than 10 client records at a time, by selecting the down arrow and selecting either 10, 20 or 50 clients, and then selecting Go. The default is 10. 

You can also view additional details of the clients by selecting the blue arrow. This will expand out the records to show what details have been captured about each client.

Let’s now look at the search function.

You can refine the search results by entering either: the Given name, Family name, Client ID, creation period and/or Tags and selecting Search; and this will narrow the results area to the details that you entered. For example, let’s put in Frederick as a first name and click on Search.

The results will now only show clients we have within our organisation with the given name of Frederick. To return to the default view, select Clear and Search again.

We now have all the client records within our organisation displayed. This time we will search for Jessica Nguyen.  Once you find that record, click on the client’s name and this will take you to the Client profile screen.

The Client profile screen for Jessica is displayed. Listed are all the cases that Jessica is attached to.

The Delete Client button is unavailable as Jessica is attached to cases. If there were no cases attached, we would be able to delete her client record.

Jessica’s details can be edited by selecting the Edit Client Details button.

For example, Jessica self identifies as having mobility constraints and is in a wheelchair so we can add a tag that identifies this. This is done by typing in the tag name and selecting Add and the tag will display.

When we scroll down the page we can change the residential address and/or the demographic details. For this example we will select physical/diverse in the impairments, conditions or disabilities section.

Please note that more information on the definitions for impairments, conditions or disabilities used by the Data Exchange, can be found in the Protocols document.

You can also update Extended demographic details which is part of the Partnership Approach. For example, Jessica has advised us of her Household composition.

Selecting Save will save those updated details to the Client record.

This will return to the Client profile screen.

Clicking on the More button will expand information about Jessica.

You can see Jessica’s consent, residential address, demographic details, and extended demographic details.

Selecting the Less button will collapse this information.

Also on the Client profile screen we can view the cases that Jessica has been attached to and we can also add Jessica to another case by clicking the Add a Case button.

Clicking on the Case ID will take us to the Case details screen and for this example, let’s have a look at the Family support group case.

Here we can view the details of the case and programme activity that Jessica has been attached to.

You can also add additional sessions by selecting Add or Copy Session buttons.

Click on the session ID to view the session details.

From here you can also enter Partnership Approach information such as Referrals to other services or add a Client SCORE assessment.

You can remove a client from this session by selecting Edit Attendees. Please note you cannot remove a client record from a session if they have a SCORE assessment or a referral record attached. You will need to delete these from the client record for that session first and then you can remove the client from the session.

This concludes how to find an existing client.

There is a wealth of information and support material available to assist you in using the Data Exchange effectively. These include the Data Exchange website, the Protocols document, task cards along with other eLearning modules and Helpdesk.

Select the icons below to access these.

Thank you for viewing this information, select Exit to close the module.


This module will discuss how to find out more information on client records.

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