Add a community case and session

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Welcome to the Data Exchange training module – Add a community case and session.

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In this module we will be covering the following:

  • Creating a case and session with no individual clients attached; and
  • Editing the case and session to attach individual clients.

Please note: It is recommended that you are familiarised with creating a case and session before you view this module.

Before we get started…

There are two specific fields that are used in the Data Exchange to record large community events:

  • ‘Total number of unidentified clients associated with case’ at the case level, and
  • ‘Number of unidentified clients attended session’ at the session level.

These fields should only be used to report group activities where it is not possible or practical to record each participant with their own client record. It should not be used to bulk report services to individuals or small groups where it is possible to collect the details of each individual client.

The Data Exchange Protocols requires service providers to report client level data, with aggregate reporting only permitted for services involving a large group of people or a whole community.

When an organisation is delivering services to a large group and it is not possible to record each client as an individual record, the following applies:

  • Unidentified client numbers captured at the case level indicate the total number of unique unidentified clients who are anticipated to attend the case over the life of the case.
  • In contrast, the unidentified client attendance numbers captured at the session level allows the recording of how many unidentified participants attended a particular instance of service. This helps to prevent double counting.
  • The number of clients who attended is recorded as a simple aggregate number.

Let’s view a demonstration on how to create a community case and session.

To add a case, select Add Case from the home page.

This is the Add a case - Case details screen.

The Case ID is an optional field; if you leave this field blank, a case ID will be created for you. Alternatively, if you have your own case numbering system, you can put in this case ID or the name of the local activity that you’re delivering.

In this example, I’m going to call this case Harmony Day Festival 2016.

Then, select from the drop down list which outlet this case is primarily being delivered from.

In this example it’s the outlet of Sydney.

Then select which programme activity you’re delivering this case under. In this example, the case is being delivered under the programme activity of Settlement Grants.

We are now at the ‘Total number of unidentified clients associated with case’ field. This field should only be used where it is not possible or practical to record individual clients.

Please note: Unidentified client numbers captured at the case level indicate the total number of unique unidentified clients who are anticipated to attend the case over the life of the case.

In this example we are recording that there is a maximum of 350 unidentified clients to this case.

Once those details have been completed, select Next.

The Add a case - Attach clients screen displays. The first section of the screen allows you to search for clients to attach to the case. If we scroll down, there is the Results section.  We could attach individual clients at this stage, but for this example we are creating a case only using the ‘Total number of unidentified clients associated with the case’ field.

So we can move straight to selecting Next.

The Add a case – Review screen displays. Here you can see the case details and that there are a total of 350 unidentified clients associated with the case. There are no individual clients attached to the case.

We can now select Submit to create the case.

We are now at the Add a Case - Finish screen. There is a message box advising that the creation of a new case has been successful and that a session must be added for the clients to be counted in reports.

We have created our case Harmony Day Festival 2016 so now we will add a session to this case. We can do this by selecting Add a Session.

A session records what service was delivered on a particular date within a reporting period, the type of service delivered and which clients attended. Sessions drive the reporting function of the Data Exchange and at least one session must be recorded within a reporting period for the case and associated clients to be counted in reports.

The first field, Session ID, is an optional field; if you have your own session numbering system, you may wish to enter an ID here. In this example, we are going to leave it blank and a session ID will be created automatically.

The Session date field - here you need to record the date that this session was delivered on.

Please note: that it cannot be a future date. It is either today’s date or a date in the past. Also note that a session cannot be recorded for a previous reporting period.

Next, select the Service type which best represents what was delivered in this session. Use the drop down arrow and make your selection from the list. This list of service types will be driven by the programme activity that the case was created under. In this example we will select Community Capacity building.

We are now at the Number of unidentified clients that attended the session field. At case level we recorded 350 and we are not permitted to exceed that number. Please note: if the number was higher than 350, we would have to edit the case first before we could record the number here.

In this example, the total number of unidentified clients was 300.

The last field on this page is an optional field. You can record whether or not an interpreter was present on this particular session. In this example we are going to select Yes.

Once those details have been completed, select Next.

This is the Add a session – Clients/support persons attended screen.

Because we did not attach individual clients at the case level, we do not have the option to attach any clients. If there were individual clients that we wanted to attach, we would first have to attach them to the case. For this example, we do not want to attach individual clients, so we select Next.

We are at the Add a session - Review screen.

Highlighted are the session details, note that there are 300 unidentified clients and no individual clients.

If any of these details are incorrect, you can use the Back button to go to the previous screens.

Or, if you do not wish to record this session, select the Cancel button and this will take you out of the process without recording the details.

Once you’re satisfied with these details, select the Submit button.

We are now at the Add a session - Finish screen. We have successfully added a community session with 300 unidentified clients. These clients will appear on the Data Exchange standard reports as ‘Group clients’ and there is no demographic data available.

This concludes creating a community case and session with only unidentified clients.

It is possible to attach a mix of unidentified attendances and individual clients to the same case and then session(s). The advantages of creating a group case with individual clients are:

  • client level data is reported, and
  • reporting will reflect the clients who attended and their key demographic characteristics.

Let’s view a demonstration of editing our case and session to include individual clients.

To find an existing case, go to the Find Case button on the home screen.

We are now at the Find a case screen. Let’s select our case Harmony Day Festival 2016.

We can attach individual clients by selecting Attach/Detach clients.

We are now at the Attach/Detach clients screen. Let’s look at the Results section.

For this example, we are going to select four clients to attach to the case. Once we have selected the clients, we select Attach Selected Clients.

The four clients are now attached to the case. We then select Back.

Now that we have the individual clients attached to the case, we can attach them to the session. To do this we first need to select the Session ID.

We then select Edit Attendees.

In this example we are going to attach all the clients so we first select the clients and then we select Attach Selected Clients. The clients are now attached to the session. From here we can select Back.

We are now back at the Sessions details screen, with our four clients as attendees. To go back to the Case details screen, we select Back.

We are now back at the Case details screen for the Harmony Day Festival 2016. When we look at the session, note that the client attendance is now 304. From a reporting perspective, clients would be broken down into 300 for group client attendance and 4 for individual client attendance. The four clients would also be included in the demographic breakdown for your organisation.

This concludes the demonstration of editing our community case and session to include individual clients.

There is a wealth of information and support material available to assist you in using the Data Exchange effectively. These include the Data Exchange website, the Protocols document, task cards along with other eLearning modules and Helpdesk.

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This module will discuss creating a case and session with no individual clients attached; and editing the case and session to attach individual clients. It is recommended that you are familiarised with creating a case and session before you view this module.

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