Add a case

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Welcome to the Data Exchange training module – Add a case.

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A case is the first step in recording service delivery information within the Data Exchange. Depending on the nature of your programme, a case may relate to an individual, a couple, a family or a group of unrelated individuals.

A case captures where the service was or will be delivered, the programme activity under which it was funded and the client(s) who have or will attend this service.

To add a case, select Add Case from the home screen.

This is the Add a case - Case details screen.

The task bar highlighted shows your progress through the creation process of adding a case.

Any field that has a red asterisk beside it is a required field.

The Case ID is an optional field; if you leave this field blank, a case ID will be created for you. Alternatively, if you have your own case numbering system, you can put in this case ID or the name of the local activity that you’re delivering such as Frozen Meals - Thursday’s or Dads’ Playgroup.

In this example, I’m going to call this case Counselling Monday Workshop.

Then, click on the drop down arrow to select which outlet this case is primarily being delivered from.

In this example it’s the outlet of Sydney.

Then, select which programme activity you’re delivering this case under. In this example, the case is being delivered under the programme activity of Problem Gambling.

If there are any unidentified clients that attended your session, you can record these details here. In most cases this will be left as the default of zero, as this field is normally used to record large group activities.

Once those details have been completed, select Next.

The Add a case - Attach clients screen displays. This screen will show all the clients in your organisation.

You can use the search function, either using a Given name, Family name, Client ID or Tags to search for clients to associate with this case. Let’s look at the Results section more closely. 

The results can be sorted by Name, Client ID, DOB, Gender or date Created on. You can use the pagination function and you can select the Select all tick box which will select all clients on the page.

For this example we will select five clients to be associated with this case and then click on the Attach Selected Clients button.

This will then attach these selected clients to the case, once satisfied that the selections are correct, click Next.

The Add a case – Review screen displays. Here you can see the Case details and the Clients attached to the case. If any of these details are incorrect, you can use the Back button to go to the previous screens to make changes.

Or, if you do not wish to record this case, select Cancel and this will take you out of the process without recording the case.

Once you’re satisfied with these details, select Submit to create the case.

We are now at the Add a case - Finish screen. The task bar at the top of the page is showing that the process is finished. There is a message box advising that the creation of a new case has been successful and that a session must be added for the clients to be counted in reports.

You will also notice the Partnership Approach banner. This is where you can enter additional Referral Source and Reasons information if your organisation is part of the Partnership Approach.

This now concludes adding a case.

Partnership Approach

If your organisation has opted-in to the Partnership Approach, when you see the below banner, additional information can be entered for Referral Source and Reasons.

Click on the Referral Source and Reasons button to view how this is done. Otherwise select Skip.

The Referral source and reason screen for the case Counselling Monday workshop displays.

Data about the reason a client sought assistance is collected to inform service planning to better respond to presenting needs. Reasons for seeking assistance are recorded at the case level, to allow organisations to reflect that clients go to different activities to address different needs.

Select Add Referral Source and Reasons.

The Case details screen displays.

You only have the option to select a client that is attached to the case.

So click on the drop down arrow and select the client that you wish to record the referral for. In this example, it is David Jackson.

Next, we record where the client was referred from and the reasons they are seeking assistance. To record this information, click on drop down arrow and make the selection. In this example David has referred himself to this service.

We then need to select the primary reason for David seeking assistance. If relevant, secondary reasons can be recorded as well.

As you associate this client to other cases delivered within your organisation the reasons may vary between cases.

Once the selections have been completed, click Save.

We are back at the Referral source and reasons screen. Click the blue arrow to view David’s referral details.

To record referral sources or reasons against other clients within the case, simply repeat the process by clicking on the Add Referral Source and Reasons button or if we select Back, click on the silhouette to add a referral source and reasons for another client.

This concludes the Partnership Approach information that can recorded under a case.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

You have now completed viewing how to add a case into the Data Exchange.

If you are part of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), click on the box below to view the entering of CHSP specific data. Otherwise, select Skip.

CHSP specific client data requirements will only appear if a client is attached to a case that has a CHSP specific programme activity.

Below are the fields that are required to be completed:

  • Accommodation setting
  • Living arrangements
  • DVA Card status
  • Existence of carer

This warning icon will only appear when a client has been attached to a CHSP case and they do not have the above data fields completed.

To create a CHSP case, select Add Case from the home screen.

We go through and add details such as the case ID, outlet and programme activity.

In this example, we are calling this case Meals Delivery - Thursday.

From the outlet of People Care – Wagga Wagga.

We then select the programme activity and in this example it is Community and Home Support.

As we have no unidentified client’s associated with the case we leave this as the default of zero.

We then click the Next button.

The Add a case - Attach clients screen displays. This screen will show you all clients in your organisation.

You can use the Search function, either using a Given name, Family name, Client ID or Tags to search for clients or you can use the default search results field.

For this example, we have selected all the clients listed on the page and then we click on the Attach Selected Clients button.

This will then attach these selected clients to the case. Once satisfied that the selections are correct, click Next.

We are at the Add a case – Review screen. Here you can see the Case details and the Clients attached to the case. Once you’re satisfied with these details, select Submit to create the case.

We are now at the Add a case - Finish screen.

The task bar at the top of the page is showing that the process is finished and there is a message box advising that the creation of a new case has been successful and that a session must be added for the clients to be counted in reports.

There is also another box highlighting with the yellow warning icon that this case requires programme specific information to be added to each client profile before a session can be added.

By scrolling down the page to view the clients attached to the case, you will see this icon next to Norma Jean’s name. By clicking on Norma’s hyperlinked name we can access the Edit client details page and we can view what information needs to be added.

Listed are all the fields that require data.

Please note that the Data Exchange will automatically attach the tag MissingRequiredData to all those clients that have been attached to a case that is CHSP specific. The tag will automatically be removed once that client’s data has been updated.

Let’s look at these fields in more detail.

Notice that these fields are required fields as they all have a red asterisk next to them.

The first field is Accommodation setting. So click on the drop down arrow and make the selection based on what the client’s circumstances are.

Next is Living arrangements, then DVA Card Status and the last item required in the Programme specific client details section is the Existence of a carer.

Further down the page is the Save button. Click on this once you are satisfied with the details.

We are back to the Case screen.

Notice that the yellow warning icon next to Norma’s name has now changed to a silhouette which signifies that the information that was required is now complete.

This concludes the CHSP specific client data that must recorded at a case level.

There is a wealth of information and support material available to assist you in using the Data Exchange effectively. These include the Data Exchange website, the Protocols document, task cards along with other eLearning modules and Helpdesk.

Select the icons below to access these.

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This module will discuss how to add a case. A case is the first step in recording service delivery information within the Data Exchange.

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