Create and manage outlets

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Welcome to the Data Exchange training module – Administrator functions – Create and manage outlets.

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As an Administrator there are many functions that you can perform for your organisation such as:

  • complete a User Access Request form
  • add users for your organisation
  • create and manage outlets
  • bulk upload client, case and session information, and
  • access Reference data files.

This module will discuss how to create and manage outlets.

In the Data Exchange an outlet is defined as: "the location from where a service is primarily being delivered."

An outlet identifies the location or area from which service providers deliver a specific service or services.

Outlets can have different staff, service information, locations and contact details.

And if an outlet is mobile in nature, delivered to a client’s home, or at a sensitive location such as a refuge, it should be recorded as the nearest administrative premise where the staff are based who deliver the service.

To create and manage outlets you need to select Manage organisation from the My Organisation options on the home page.

Here you can see the Manage organisation screen.

From this screen, you can perform a number of functions.

You can change the preferred organisation name by selecting the Edit Organisation Details button.

Here you type in the preferred organisation name.

If your organisation is either opting in or out of the Partnership Approach this is where you would record this in the Data Exchange.

Please note that if you do change the selection you must contact your grant agreement manager as your grant agreement will need to be amended accordingly.

Selecting Save once you have updated those details will bring you back to the Manage organisation screen.

You can see that your changes including the preferred organisation name has been successfully saved.

In the Manage organisation screen you can also see a list of all outlets that you’ve already created.

To create an outlet, select Add Outlet.

To create an outlet, you’ll first need to select a name that will be displayed when creating cases within the Data Exchange.

In this example, I’m calling this outlet Gungahlin Library Centre. Next, select a valid address, suburb or town, the state and the post code.

Once these details have been entered, select Save.

These details must be able to be recognised which will validate that a correct address has been entered.

Once this is done, you will be taken back to the Manage organisation screen.

You can see here that we have now successfully saved the Gungahlin Library Centre. And it is showing as an outlet.

You can view the details of this outlet by clicking on the hyperlinked outlet name.

This takes you to the Outlet details screen, here we can delete the outlet, edit the outlet details and view the different activities delivered by the outlet.

In this example there are none listed, so this is the next step in creating an outlet - we need to attach a programme activity to it. So we select Add Activity.

You now need to select the appropriate programme activity. Click on the drop down arrow.

This will list all the programme activities that your organisation has been funded to deliver, so make your selection using the scroll bar.

You can also see there’s a number of programme activities that have in brackets another organisation’s name. These will show if you’re delivering a programme activity under a sub-contracted arrangement, and you’ve been asked to enter the details from your consortia or sub-contracting partner.

In our example we have selected Children and Parent Support Services.

You can see here a start and end date, which has been defaulted to show the duration of the programme activity, as per your funding agreement. If this outlet should only be delivering a programme activity for a shorter period of time, you can go through and edit the end date if you wish to.

Otherwise, select Save.

In this example, you can see that we now have Children and Parent Support Services delivered under the outlet of Gungahlin Library Centre. And that the status of this programme activity shows as 'Ready for approval'.

This approval will come from the next step in this process which is the Data Exchange helpdesk and they will go through and approve each of these details.

This approval may take up to 5 business days so you will need to factor this in when creating your outlets.

This status will then change to 'Approved', and a case can then be recorded under an outlet once it has done.

You can also add additional programme activities to the outlet if required and once you have finished, select the Home button at the top of the page.

This concludes creating an outlet.

There is a wealth of information and support materials available to assist you in using the Data Exchange effectively. These include the Data Exchange website, the Protocols document, task cards along with other eLearning modules and Helpdesk.

Select the icons below to access these.

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This module will discuss how to create and manage outlets. In the Data Exchange an outlet is defined as: "the location from where a service is primarily being delivered."

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