Data Exchange Update March 2023

Update on Program Specific Guidance

The updated Program Specific Guidance for Commonwealth Agencies is now available on the DEX website. Please refer to the Version History of the document for reference to the changes that have been made.

Updated Task Cards

The Add a Client and Add and Edit a User task cards have been updated and are now live on the training page of our website.

The Add a Client task card discusses what a client is and provides step-by-step guidance on how to add the client into the Data Exchange.

The Add and Edit a User provides information on:

  • What you need before requesting access
  • Access levels, such as ‘View only, ‘Editor, and ‘Organisation administrator’
  • Step-by-step guidance on how to add, edit, and delete a user
  • Viewing a user’s role

How to remove organisation administrator access

Changes to the Organisation Data Quality report

We have made some changes to the Organisation Data Quality report. The report highlights key data quality issues to assist Organisations to improve and/or maintain data quality.

The Organisation Data Quality Data Exchange report shows how data quality is changing over time and varies across outlets. Previously the report displayed data since the commencement of the Data Exchange. This has been updated to display data for the last eight (8) reporting periods on a rolling basis. This change significantly improves the responsiveness of the report.            

Statistical Linkages Key (SLK)	Not Stated Demographics	Unidentified ‘Group’ Clients

Data quality measures such as low quality SLKs, not stated demographic values, unidentified clients, have been updated to use reporting periods instead of the last six months (i.e. 5-Sep-2022 to 5-March-2023) versus the previous 6 months. Further, the report has been updated to use clients with sessions in a reporting period instead of clients created in a 6 month period. These changes may result in a change to the figures displayed in the report, this does not mean that the quality of your data has changed.

Low Quality SLK Details	Not Stated Details	Unidentified Client Details

The depth of time series data within some bar charts have been expanded from one year to four years to allow for more in-depth trend analysis.

We have also added a Sessions with Support Person title providing details on the number and details of sessions where the only attendee was a support person.

These changes to the Organisation Data Quality Data Exchange report will take effect from Thursday 16 March 2023. Please go to the Organisation Data Quality DEX fact sheet for more information.

All changes to the report do not impact on the figures reported into the Data Exchange and have been made to add capability to the report and/or improve the user experience.

Data Exchange Planned Maintenance

There is no planned maintenance this month.