Data Exchange Update November 2022

Organisation Overview Data Exchange Report

On Thursday 24 November 2022, enhancements will be made to the Organisation Overview Report. Some of the new features include:

Attendance and Sessions Sheet

Two new bar charts have been added that will allow users to see attendances / sessions / cases by month and day, rather than just by reporting period. Users will be also be able to view how many attendances / sessions / cases took place on any particular month or day which will enable trend analysis at a finer grain than was previously possible.

Service Summary Sheet

A new bar chart has been added that will allow users to see how attendances / sessions / cases vary across the days of the week, rather than just across the months of the year. Where the month of the year chart has allowed users to see seasonal fluctuations, the new chart will allow users to see fluctuations across the days of the week. By filtering for an Outlet or a client demographic, users will be able to see how weekly demand varies across the days for a particular Outlet or demographic of interest. 

National Emergency Management Agency Sheet (Rural Financial Counselling Program)

As shown in Figure 1:

  • Users will now be able to navigate between the three charts by clicking on the tabs above the table.
  • Client numbers have been added to the Agriculture Business Type chart so users can will be able see how many clients exist within the various Agriculture Business Type classification of cases. Bar charts can be converted to data tables by right clicking on the chart, selecting ‘Combo chart’ and ‘View data’.

Example of how bar charts can be converted to data tables by right clicking on the chart, selecting ‘Combo chart’ and ‘View data’.

Useful Tips

Do you foresee a change in staffing, or is the person entering data into the Data Exchange about to go away? If so, please update your organisation’s Data Exchange access to include other staff members. This helps to ensure your organisation can report regularly and meet the next reporting deadline.

It is also timely to remove the access of any staff who are no longer employed or no longer require access to the DEX system.

For more information on how to add a new user, please visit the Data Exchange website.

Data Exchange Planned Maintenance

The DEX system will be unavailable between 8pm and 9pm Saturday 19 November 2022 to rectify the error that was not allowing users to 'Save Tags' on the 'View Client Details Screen'. Users will not be able to access or upload data into the Data Exchange during this time. In addition, there is a planned outage of the Data Exchange reports to undertake a system upgrade scheduled between 12am and 4am Sunday 20 November 2022. Users should not notice any significant changes to the appearance of the reports. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.