Data Exchange Update November 2021

Data Exchange Surveys

Over the coming months the Data Exchange team will be running a series of surveys covering different topics regarding the use of the Data Exchange. We have recently received a number of enquiries on privacy and protecting the privacy of clients, so this will be the topic of our first survey.

We invite you to participate in this short survey. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and will help us to improve our privacy information and education.

Follow this link to complete the survey. Start Survey

Using the Data Exchange Reports

Last month we started our deep dive series on the Data Exchange Reports with a look at the Organisation Overview Report. This month we are focussing on the Organisation Data Quality report.

Organisation Data Quality Report

Standard report – available to all organisations

This report highlights key data quality issues to help organisations improve their data quality. The report shows how data quality has changed over time and differences between outlets (if applicable). You will only see the information submitted by your organisation.

Please note: If you have a handshake agreement in place, lead organisations will also be able to filter to view some of the data for their delivery partners.

Data Quality Health Check Sheet

The Data Quality Health Check sheet shows an overview of the data loaded in the last 6 months; focussing on three areas of data quality: Low quality Statistical Linkage keys (SLK), ‘Not Stated’ demographic values and Unidentified client attendances. Subsequent sheets in this report show each of these areas in more detail.

The sheet shows each area of data quality both over time and by outlet state.

Below is an example of the Data Quality Health Check for one of our programs.

Graphic showing three bar graphs and three corresponding charts. The leftmost bar graph and chart show the percentage [9.09] of clients with low quality SLKs in the last six months. The middle bar graph and chat show the percentage [18.12] of clients with a not started value in the last six months.  The rightmost bar graph and chart show the percentage [8.05] of unidentified clients seen in the last six months.

As you can see, in the last 6 months, 9.09% of clients had low quality SLKs. 18.12% of clients have at least one ‘not stated’ value and 8.05% of clients are unidentified. Looking at low quality SLKs by state, we can see the majority of these 9.09% low quality SLKs are for clients located in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW.

Not Stated Demographics Sheet

The ‘not stated’ demographics sheet details the breakdown for each priority question. Each graph shows the percentage of clients entered each month over the past 6 months, with not stated values.

Image showing three line graphs. The leftmost graph shows the percentage [1.31] of clients who did not state their gender. The middle graph shows the percentage [2.04] of clients who did not state their country of birth. The rightmost graph shows the percentage [5.56] of clients where their Indigenous status was not stated.

Image showing two line graphs. The left graph shows the percentage [4.60] of clients who did not state their main language. The right graph shows the percentage [8.34] of clients who did not state their Disability status.

Low Quality SLK Sheet

The Low Quality SLK details sheet allows you to identify which clients in DEX have data quality issues. We can see that 307 clients have estimated dates of birth and 44 clients are over 110 years old.

Image showing an example of percentage of clients missing their first name, last name, and pseudonym.Image showing an example of the percentage of clients's gender, estimated date of birth and who are 110 years old or over.

Image showing a sample of a dataset.

Accurate reporting is important. We encourage organisations to use the Data Quality Report to regularly monitor the quality of data being uploaded. While ‘not stated’ values, the use of pseudonyms and estimated dates of birth are available, they are only to be used when requested by the client.