Data Exchange Update October 2021

New Data Exchange website URL

The Data Exchange reports website URL redirect and the Handshake functionality was successfully rolled out on Monday 18th October. All DEX Report Changes mentioned in last month’s update are included in this rollout.

Organisations are now able to re-create any stories and bookmarks they had prior to the redirection to the new URL.

If you have any queries or technical issues, please contact the Data Exchange Helpdesk at

Further information on the Handshake agreement can be found in the task card.

Using the Data Exchange Reports

Each month we will be taking you on a deep dive into one of the DEX reports to explain the information displayed and how to interpret some of the key charts. This month we are focussing on the Organisation Overview report.

Organisation Overview

Standard report – available to all organisations

This report provides a one-stop view of an organisation’s service delivery over time. You will only see the information submitted by your organisation, or organisations with which you have a ‘handshake’ arrangement.

By using the reporting filters, the report will display information on the type of clients you’ve serviced (individual, group, support), their demographics and you can filter by outlets, services types and demographic information to identify patterns of service delivery.

When you apply a filter, it remains in place until you remove it. To learn more about applying filters please read our taskcard.

Client Demographics Sheet

The Client Demographics sheet shows all client data by age group, gender, Aboriginal status and disability status/type. Below is an example of the Client Demographics data for one of our programs.

An image showing two bar graphs and two pie-charts.

As you can see, the majority of clients are aged between 25 and 50, approximately 3700 more female clients access services compared to males, almost 80% of clients have not identified as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 11% of clients have said they have a disability.

You are able to apply combinations of filters for age, gender, Indigenous status and disability status to learn more about specific cohorts of clients. For example, if we apply filters to focus on individuals aged 25-29 with a disability, the charts update to reflect the new data. You can see the disability status pie graph now gives a breakdown of the type of disability and age is also broken down.

An image showing two bar graphs and two pie-charts.

Service Type Sheet

The Service Type sheet shows all sessions delivered by service type for each activity.

An image showing different service types in different colours against session numbers.

A filter could be applied to narrow the data by service type e.g. counselling. Once a filter is applied, you can move between the sheets within the report to determine the number of clients and sessions, the demographics of people accessing particular service types and look at the maps to see where your clients are located.