Data Exchange System Update – March 2021

Data Exchange Report Enhancements

We have made enhancements to the “Client Outcomes” and “Organisation Overview”’ reports to better assist organisations in viewing their data entered into the Data Exchange. The enhancements are:

Client Outcomes

  • New “Assessed by method” filter added to the primary filters sheet.

Organisation Overview

  • New “Extended Demographics” sheet added to facilitate analysis of Education level, Employment Status, NDIS Eligibility and Carer information
  • New “Service Summary” sheet added to aid analysis of Service setting, and Attendance profile data
  • Attendances per month chart moved from the “Attendances and Sessions” sheet to the new “Service Summary” sheet
  • New attendances per reporting period chart added to the “Attendances and Sessions” sheet

These additions were developed in response to feedback we received and will provide greater accessibility to a wider range of data. We appreciate your patience with the process and if there is additional feedback, we encourage you to reach out via the Data Exchange help desk ‘provide feedback’ button.

Data Exchange access

The System User Access Request Form is currently experiencing technical issues which we are in the processes of resolving. This is good time for a reminder that Organisation Administrators can create new, and manage existing Data Exchange access in the web-based portal. Then add and edit a user task card outlines the process for Organisation Administrators to create and edit Data Exchange access.

Regular Reporting

As the current reporting period is well underway it is a good time to think about entering data regularly into the Data Exchange. Organisations are able to submit their data multiple times throughout a reporting period and use the Data Exchange reports to quality assure the data to avoid last minute data quality issues or upload failures.

There are three ways data can be entered into the Data Exchange:

  1. Web-based Portal
  2. XML Bulk Upload
  3. System to System transfer

More information is available to help you determine the best method for your organisation on the Data Exchange website.