Try, Test and Learn – Part 2 webinar held 30 May 2018

Transcript for Try, Test and Learn Part 2  webinar held 30 May 2018

Good afternoon and welcome to this training session on the Data Exchange. My name is Rose Pearson and I am with a Data Exchange training team and it is my pleasure to be taking you through this part 2  webinar session today for the Try, Test and Learn program.

This presentation should take about 90 minutes including any questions that you may have, so please make yourselves comfortable and remember to stretch or stand throughout the session today as we will be sitting for some time.

Before we begin we are meeting today on many traditional lands around the country and I want to acknowledge the traditional owners of those lands and pay our respects to elders past and present.

Firstly, some reminders on how to use the webinar functionality.  We went through in part one, just a quick refresh for you so throughout the webinar.  Remember there is that control panel that should have appeared on your screen.  You will notice that your audio symbol your microphone symbol is should be red.  If not, can you please actually change that to red by clicking on that symbol.

That just means that there will be no audio or sound coming through from your side of the computer and it won’t distract us during the presentation. 

So just because your audio is on your cheek doesn’t mean that you can’t ask any questions or have a voice you can actually type your questions into that question panel there which many of you did last and Andrew and Lara are there to respond to those questions.  When the control panel does has been used for a period of time, it automatically minimises from you. Therefore, to expand, you would just select the orange arrow and the control panel will expand on display again. Also a reminder that the webinar today will be recorded and placed on the Data Exchange website under the webinar library tab and it will happen in the next couple of weeks as well.

So looking at today’s agenda we will have a quick recap of last week’s part one presentation.  We will then take a look at the data quality collect data quality and why it is very important.  We will also take a look at the different reports that are available and I will provide you with some hints and tips on the functionality of the reports as we go through them.  Once again there will be an opportunity to ask questions during the session today as well is at the end of the session we will leave it open for 10 minutes for you to put those questions through and again that the webinar will be recorded.  So a quick recap on last week’s or in part one, so for many of you this will be the first time that you will be reporting are so a reminder that the data that you submit is the data that you will see in your reports and will also be the data that the department sees and bases their evaluations on.

The Data Exchange not only focuses on output such as how many sessions and clients but also outcomes so that what your clients are achieving by accessing your services.  So again really important for you to enter that data regularly. 

Please refer to the protocols document and the TTL information in Appendix B. Now in the handout section I do have the updated version of the TTL are for you to actually print out.  I will then also entering the data quality FAQ sheet as well as a copy of this presentation. we will send that through to everyone that attended the session today so you got that information to that if you could access that updated Appendix B information for TTL because it has been updated since part one. 

You will recall in the getting started slide from part one it spoke about accessing the training material, obtaining an AUSkey so take a look at this and start working through those items so that you can report on time.  Again, there were two reporting periods per year for the Data Exchange. 

The first spans from 1 January to 30 June and the second spans from 1 July to 31 December with an extra 30 days after each of those to finalise your data. For TTL your grant agreement stipulates that you are strongly recommended to submit your data monthly and you can do this more regularly. Additionally, you need to report against your activity work plan quarterly reporting for the Data Exchange and against activity work plan all AWP is different.  The Data Exchange reporting occurs monthly and is completed once using one of those three methods available that we spoke about in part one, so either system to system, bulk XML upload or the free web-based portal. 

The reporting against the activity work plan is completed via a template which will be provided to you soon and it is completed outside of the Data Exchange.  It will make it easier for you to check your data quality and also ensure that you are reporting correctly and meeting your program objectives. Now remember for the upload methods that there is no option that is preferred by the department, you should choose the method that best suit your business. For providers whose programs are already underway or will be underway in this reporting period we do recommend using the web-based portal, at least in the first instance for this reporting period.  Also a reminder that you can switch between the different methods at any time, for example, you may want to start entering data in the web-based portal while working with your IT developer to build the system to system or bulk upload capability for the longer term.

 Please ensure that if you do change that the client IDs are different or start after the last ID created or number created in the alternative method and just refer to the upload methods task on our Data Exchange website under the training resources tab for more information. You can see the minimum data sets for all but one of the projects in TTL that we discussed in part one, when you enter this data this is what gets reflected back in the self-service reports and that I will be demonstrating today.

 For the strengthening students resilience project, which is the one project that is not participating in the partnership approach you should concentrate on the organisational level and priority requirement data.

As you are aware, the Try Test and Learn fund aims to find new and innovative approaches to improve the lives of members and of unidentified priority groups who are at risk of long-term welfare dependence with the ultimate goal of moving onto a path towards independence.

 The ability to look at client pathways on a de-identified basis through the Data Exchange statistical linkage key is a unique opportunity to better understand how this innovative approach improves the lives of these groups and opens the door to other programs that are offered by the department. 

The Data Exchange will enable this type of analysis across programs at a national level without the need for specialist evaluations or research. With the TTL program, the government is testing different strategies that have been developed and delivery through the different projects.  The data you report will provide evidence if the program that you are delivering is working or not, and it is a learning that will be used with the development and funding of other similar future programs.  Consequently, we need to ensure that the data that is uploaded and entered into the Data Exchange is of good quality is accurate and is checked and updated regularly.

 So what do we mean when we talk about data quality? If you have accurate and quality data then then provide your organisation with a true reflection of what is being achieved by the services that you are delivering it will provide you with evidence of what is working and what isn’t working.  It highlights if you are servicing the right client target group will also provide a strong foundation of solid data to make decisions and support future growth and implementation of new initiatives that you may have.

Accurate and quality data will also provide strong evidence to support your grant and funding agreement milestones and performance indicators. With the self-service reporting capabilities you can go in at any time and check your data via the reports updated and monitor your progress.  This is especially important for the TTL as you will be able to check if you are on target with your project. 

So that’s for organisations for funding agencies; all the points mentioned for the organisations, and more so it also includes better understanding of what is occurring for clients and the ability to make informed decisions about policy, funding and programs and assist in monitoring and evaluating program performance. To assist your organisation in updating or correcting any errors or data anomalies we have developed FAQ sheet entitled the importance of data quality. It is on the Data Exchange website under the policy guidance tab and if you scroll down you will see the importance of data quality heading.  This fact sheet contains a table of the top 10 items for data quality checks why they are important and the consequences of any poor data. So we have got an example here on the screen, and if we look at the date of birth and the recording of incorrect date of birth, the document will explain why the correct date of birth is required were possible and what the changes are of an unrealistic estimated date of birth that it can skew the data for a client cohort or program. 

This could affect then all the data collected for Try Test and learn and the broader TTL evaluation as I mentioned why will send you out a copy of this after the presentation; however, you can go into the Data Exchange website under the policy guidance tab to retrieve that document. Ok so lets have a look at the different reports firstly though some instructions on how to access your reports if you haven’t already done so. So you must look into the Data Exchange portal and then select the go button in the access my DEX reports area which you can see highlighted in red. 

Please be aware that report permissions mirror user permissions that you currently hold, so if you are able to see all outlets and activities in your organisations, then that is the information that you will see in the reports.  If you only have permission for certain outlets and activities, then that will be the information that you will see in the report as well.  Once you’ve selected the go button under the my access DEX reports you will come to the reports landing page, Shown on the screen here you have the selection tiles for a standard and partnership approach reports access to the partnership approach reports is linked to whether an organisation has specified that the participating in the partnership approach in the administrative or administration section of the Data Exchange web-based portal.

Please note that your Data Exchange organisation administrator will need to go in and change the partnership approach participation buttons from no to yes in the web-based portal both at the organisational level and also the TTL program activity level. It does not happen automatically, If your organisation administrator is unsure on how to do this, then the create and manage outlets task card provides further direction on this.  If you haven’t made this selection in the administration section of the web-based portal the reports will be greyed out and not accessible for you.

On the screen you can see the different available reports as standard reports, so organisations have access to these two types of standard reports we have the organisation overview which provides a summary view of an organisation, service delivery, including service types outlets session attendance and client demographics.

Also to the organisation data quality report highlights key data quality issues to assist organisations to improve and to maintain the data quality. The report shows data quality changes over time and varies across outlets the report also provides a detailed listing of client and session records with quality concerns to assist organisations improve the data and you will see that as we run through a demonstration of that report.

 The next lot of reports are available to those organisations that have opted into the partnership approach and which will be the majority of organisations delivering the TTL program so we have the resource planning, which provides a sophisticated overview of the trends in service delivery to assist organisations in business planning and demonstrates to funding agencies the peaks in service delivery.  We have the service footprint report it actually shows how clients are engaging with services in map form and which we have made available at program activity level in aggregate form.  We have the client outcomes reports of this client are this report actually allows you to have a view of the outcomes based information known as SCORE as part of the partnership approach and it shows in aggregate view clients journey within a SCORE domain such as satisfaction goals and circumstances within the organisation.

We have the community profile report. This report offers key measures that can inform the profile of the community where your outlet program is being delivered this report has a wealth of national data in one accessible report and you can explore a selection of topics at a national, state or local level and the data comes from a variety of datasets such as the national census, administrative and survey datasets and will show that when we go through that report as well. keep those Questions coming through we have Andrew and Lara assisting me with those questions. 

Thank you for your patience just getting those reports loaded, Now just want to remind everyone that these are training reports that I am going to go through with you now are so all the data is for fictional or fictitious and so it’s all made up, but it’s gives you an idea of what’s happening.

 What we have here first of all is the organisation overview report are just a few things about the Data Exchange reports that we use, you will notice that we’ve got the title here base sheets, so the sheet is actually the different pages that are report so you will see that referred to in a lot of our documentation. I will talk about attendance and session’s sheet or activity sheet so they just mean the different pages.  so as you can see with this particular report we got a number of pages and then we have an information page, now I might click to that information page, first most of the reports do all have an information page.

 What you will see in this page are links to our website and important documents such as the protocols and also information on using SCORE. You will also have different definitions that you will be able to see you in the glossary term where you can search for a term that is used within the report. You will get a definition as well within those definitions are also hyperlinks to other areas where you can find the information that it’s been referred to there in the report.

You will notice here in the bottom left-hand side that the data updated on so this is a date stamp. Now if you’re looking at a report today it does mean that it should have today’s date if it hasn’t got today’s date on then there may be an issue such as contact our helpdesk and find out if there’s been an issue with data uploading.

Again a reminder that with you reports that the data that you enter today will be available to you approximately 24 hours later. So if you enter data in at 2 o’clock today by 2 o’clock tomorrow you should have that data are available by the reports for you. I am going to do is go back to the base sheets the sheet selections that I have for this report so I can access that in a number of ways.  If I go to the top right hand side you will just see my little hand here on the information page. 

I can click that box and it will bring up all the different page items or sheet items that are available in this report so I can access my reports or my sheets that way. You will also notice that there are back and forward buttons as well so I can also access it that way if I like to. So I am just going to click on the icons I do find looking at the icons a lot easier so that’s what I do in this instance.  So what we’ve got here is the attendance and sessions sheet now as I mentioned, this is all fictional data so we have got pretend service provider down here and with program activities.

Now the first thing I’d like to show you is the different filtering options that we have so your notice if I click on were going to go to the reporting period.  I am going to select the 2017/18 reporting period and I am going to select the tick option to confirm my selection.  You will notice that the filter will sit up on this top banner so all the filters that I apply in this report will sit there and they will actually carry across are all the sheets of the particular report that your viewing.  If you find that there is information that you should see and you’re not seeing it check your filters because you may have accidentally applied a filter that shouldn’t be there.    This special icon here so it means that this filter has got all this particular item has got filter layers so I select my 2017/18 filter. Now it’s opened up the different reporting periods within those particular areas so I am going to go to this one here January to June even though the end of reporting period has occurred is just providing me with some information and you will notice that the graph and also the information in this report is changing reflecting the filters that I have selected. 

I can also then make selection to my client type so I am going to select the individual client and confirm that selection. If I have got a particular item that I want to filter but I can’t pick up all of those items what I can do is going up to the client type and that’s where my hand arrow is I can click on it and it will provide me a list of the filters or the items that are available for me to filter,  so I can now select support persons as well and confirm that selection if that filters type I am looking for.  I can then go to the same for program activity and also then my outlets are just to give you an idea I can then select just pretend outlet here and that information will then display the data that has been provided by that outlet for this particular program for individual clients now support persons is greyed out because they haven’t uploaded any data in regards to support people. Okay so to remove the filter all I need to do is to select that cross there at the right hand side of that filter option and that’s what I am going to do and you can see the information now changing reverting back without those filters applied.

So the functionality of the reports are all the same, in regards to filters and everything else there, so again we just encourage you to go in and have an explore of these reports. So what I am going to do so this attendance and sessions sheet.  It is actually show me the clients and support people that have attended during this period of time that I filtered. The number of sessions average assessment sorry average session per client, average client per case, an average sessions per case there.  So remember it is the sessions that drive the reports so sessions must be recorded and reported on within the reporting period for that data to be entered. Remember that cases is like a container it actually holds the information for the sessions and the client into one area bit like a filing cabinet.

I can also filter down to months if I like now you that I have just hovered over February here and it’s provided me with a breakdown of individual group, support people, sessions and cases as well. 

One of the things here is that if I move away from that it will disappear if I do want that information what you can do is you can use a snipping tool or a print screen and paste or paint selection to capture that information as well not show you how to do that in a moment, I can actually now select February as well and filter that and again the information that you going to send the report can reflect that particular month that I am actually filtering on so it’s a really good item there the filters. 

When you took a look about the graphs you can see the colour coding so purple is for individual clients, Blue is for group clients and then the green is for the support people that have attended the sessions they are assisting the clients.  You will notice that we have got some icons here and I am pointing now to the camera icon it so that I can take a snapshot so I can start to build a report or a story with in this particular report.  So all I need to do is click on the camera I will put something that’s meaningful are to me and save it, I can also go to full-screen this is really handy if I have got a big table or large graphs.  I can go full-screen and bring that up a lot larger for me to actually view.

To remove full-screen is just close full-screen button here. I will move to the next sheet so I can either use the button at the top of the sheets, button I can use the our arrows forward and back arrows or I can also view more of a keyboard user. I can also use the control and right or left button to move me across the sheets as well that little bit of a shortcut. 

The next thing that we going to look at is an organisation summary and I am going to filter down little bit further here for you okay and again you can see that that program there is there so when you get the report you will see the information for your organisation only.  You may have an organisation that is delivering other programs. If your organisation is only reporting TTL program and that’s the program that you will see with the outlets are delivering that program there as well. So I can if I want to look at this graph in your organisation summary so it is providing me with the number of actual cases sessions, individual clients, group clients and support persons that have seen in this particular period of time. 

If I click on the top of this column, I can actually bring this in either ascending, descending or alphabetical order. Now what I can do is I can take a snapshot so all I have done is just go out of that show you again.

I can either take a snapshot with hovering over here were that icon displays or I can right click on my mouse over the particular item that I want to take a snapshot for. I am going to save that now I can also if this is a large graph that I am looking at. I can also right click and export data in an Excel spreadsheet for me so that I can manipulate the data, but for this one here the size is manageable that I can actually put this into my story and I am just going to be moving.

Now to my next sheet and this is the activity, so for this particular organisation that were looking at and probably for your organisation that you looking at you might have a number of activities on here or just the TTL activity and again it gives you that breakdown of individual clients, group clients, support people and sessions. Therefore, the sessions are in red. So you can have a look for the clients that were looking at we have two individual clients for this particular activity,Hover over that again that comes up, 315 group clients and zero support people, So provide you with that information. I will move across to the other sheet and then you have the different service types. You will have the keys on the right-hand side I am just circling other service type key as to what the different colours mean for the different activities and again you can see the number of clients for people that have attended the sessions of that particular service types of this example its advocacy and support.

 So for TTL it will be different depending on what your service types are such as intake and assessment. This is a fantastic sheet, this one here this is about demographics and its background on your clients.  So with TTL program there is a particular age group that you’re looking at so you be able to very quickly see why do we have a lot of clients if we were delivering our TTL for this particular reporting what we have a lot of clients range from 30 right through to 75 what’s going on what you can do as well you can filter ticket one-off and that one okay to the different age groups that I want to see.

Okay, so what I have done there is a filter, but then I have also selected that particular age group as well from the 20 to 24 year old and has provided me further breakdowns from 20, 21 and 22 and again if I hover over its provided me with the numbers of individual clients and support people or if I have had groups are clients it will actually have group clients in there as well. 

What I can see here to is it give me a breakdown by gender so male, female and if there were the other 2 choices there that will display there as well so I can filter that down to female and have a look again at the breakdown of clients.  It’s also now give me a breakdown for indigenous status, So whether we have clients are identified as aboriginal and Torres Strait or Torres Strait Islander as a yes, no or not stated, So here in this example that we have got a 25% of not stated.

When we look at the data quality report, it is very interesting because we will look at how we can identify then the client ID that have not stated. Now with not stated obviously, it is just a reminder for you to remember to ask the question about these particular areas such as indigenous status, disability status were not stated is an option. So again, we can make a selection based on this pie chart and we can see the information again changing depending on the filters that we use.

So I will just remove those filters that are keeping the age-group filter option, if we moved to the disability status this is another one that actually has another filter below, So if we  select yes and one have a look at those clients that have said that answered yes to a disability identified with the disability, impairment or condition. We can then see the pie chart is breaking down into those different areas of disability as defined in our protocols document. I will just remove those filters and we can continue on to the next sheet with some more demographic information and this is information regarding the Cald status. So it’s the cultural and linguistic diversity made up of main language spoken at home and also country of birth. So again, what I might do is expand this to full screen the graph.

You can see that we have the different areas here I can go up to the top of the column and again put them in alphabetical order or individual clients in are ascending or descending order their interstate.  I can again right click and or take a snapshot so I can use that in my story, but it gives you an idea of the country of birth of the clients that I have seen you remove that filter again and then we have the main language spoken at home as well. 

So as I mentioned before you can’t break the reports just keep drilling down as far as you can to see what information you can retrieve and again we can see we have got quite a high percentage here of not stated. So again, a reminder, I will be asking the question I will if we getting not stated response could we ask the question in a different way, but again the client is within their rights to actually not identify in any particular way.

Now you are probably thinking why do we have an ancestry and migration sheet. We use organisations and programs that are delivering programs to broad range of communities the Data Exchange has a lot of programs that report to it, and this would be very suitable to somebody saying the settlement services area where they want to get that particular background information on the client of when they’ve arrived in Australia what their ancestry is as well, If there is no information here reported by you which will TTL program, they wouldn’t be our because it’s not one of the our minimum data set requirements there is that you would have zero particular information in their if you are not reporting it.

We think go to the home situation now with TTL as part of the TTL minimum data set here we had in here that it would be the information of the source of income which is on the bottom right hand side here and so we got government payments might just actually make this full-screen so we can see that,  just moving some things around on my screen okay and so we could see that this is something that is applicable because it is part of your minimum data set here to collect the main source of income. From government payments, pensions and allowance allowances we can see the amount of clients there not stated inadequately described or also unknown.  So again, making sure you checking this information so that you can collect that data. 

Now I might just make that a smaller screen and we might even capture that one that is just right click and take snapshot.  Okay so you can see here that I have just started taking some snapshots fairly easy to do, or very easy to do I should say and very shortly I will start building a particular story in a moment. We then have some other ones here about referrals and again some information that is required for TTL for the program being so, it would actually start as a zero would be no data there but if you were collecting for other programs are that would information will display their. Then we got our eight outlets state summary again looking at the different outlet states the session attendance per states if you are delivering are the TTL program or other programs in different states you’ve got that comparison information too. Now what we might to is I want to show you our two things Firstly, how to build a story. 

So what you will notice is on the top right hand side just pointing to a screen and it is this story screen so if I click on this.  I can create a new story so basically it’s like a PowerPoint or report with in this report.  Okay now all the reports what you will be able to do is build them within it.  You are you are unable to actually build a story using multiple reports, but I will show you how you a hint on how you can actually do that outside using PowerPoint.  Click on here to create a new story I am going to just call it something that’s meaningful okay so this one here.  I have got to “TTL example” you can put in a description in here as well if you like, just click outside we go back into that and select that button.  There is my story that I have just created there just setting up so if I click on to that picture it will now bring me to the storyboard where I can start to build my story. 

What you will notice here are some icons on the right-hand side are we going to go through those now, so first of all this little camera icon. You guessed it is the snapshot library and this is where all those little pictures or snapshots that I have taken throughout the report that I just demonstrated sit so all I need to do to grab what is going to grab this session attendance, first is click on it and drag it across. Okay and that will come across this way and you will see that there. Now the next thing I am going to do is I want to have a heading for this particular story that I have got so I click on the “A” the text, objects, and I want a title so I click on the title and drag that across double-click to enter text. Now what I can do is creating a TTL example report I can highlight that and select the little grey button there and I can actually change the colour of that heading similar change it to blue I can bolded it,  I can metallic and I can underline.

 I want to also add some text, a paragraph so again click and drag to resize all I am doing is capturing or clicking on one of these orange little round circles here and double-click to enter my text so this report will and then I can start to build my report and add my text as I like.

What I can also do might just make this a bit smaller is if I go into this one here the shapes library.  I can select a shape now and I might click and drag the different icons here so this quite a few different icons that I can use.  I can colour these by double-clicking and adding them. You get the general idea on how this works. Now to add another page all I need to do is on the bottom left-hand side there is a little add slide button see that there so very much similar to a PowerPoint. 

As I mentioned, and I can start now at another slide and adding my images are of that I have selected so here we go.  I am going to now have one here with the disability status I am going to adding my title and again highlighted to change the colours so this one here I might make yellow.  I hope that you can see that on your screen and I might be now want to position my paragraph on this side and again just building it to what is meaningful to you. Now what I can do is I can then go and actually if I just demonstrate this for you.

I can now if I want to export this story to a PowerPoint export to PDF you can duplicate the story are more I can leave that in there and build it in for the next time that I go in and view this information.  Okay now with this particular function.  Here the information that I have actually selected after the snapshot for everything within the story will not update automatically. You will need to do is right click over the image that I want to find and update the information go to source and then take me to the page where I have taken that snapshot for that information.

So it’s good idea that you can duplicate the story and then build it, you take this one is going to be May, the next one will be June you can then go in and update with your June figures. That’s just a bit of demonstration of how to build story within the particular report.  Now what we will do is we will go back to the front of the sheets. That’s the organisation overview report available to all organisations.  We then going to now go to our data quality report.  This is a brilliant report and it has the little first aid icon there that you can see and this is about helping you to improve and maintain your data quality in your organisation. 

So just some first things on this particular report.  Let’s go through, we can see that there is our eight sheets here. Again, we have the information page that all reports have and that will have the date stamp on this as well. Now going to the data quality health check you will notice that we have different headings for statistical linkage key or SLK, the not stated demographic values such as a disability status to indigenous status and country of birth. You will notice here that we have headings relating to those particular topics of percentage of clients with low SLK’s for the last six months. 

This report is a rolling six months if we just move down to the bottom left-hand side you will notice it will provide you with the dates of that date is six months.  So by tomorrow it will then click over to that date would become 22 September to 22 March 2018.  So just clicks over every six months. Reminder that with client records you can go in and update those regardless of the reporting period.  It is only the session information that needs to be entered or created and updated within all the relevant reporting.  So client information can go in and update at any time and have a percentage of the clients with low SLK’s over the last six months and we then have by the state or SA4 over the last 6 months.

Then, in this particular state, we got State of Queensland that is showing the highest percentage of low SLK’s for the last six months. Again that information is actually just transferring again for not stated, and also unidentified clients, so it might do is we will select Queensland for this particular case and we can see the information change and we can see now.  It will then change depending on where those are the outlets and programs are being delivered from.

So with your reports it will look different because it will only show those areas where you’re delivering this program from what will do is will move across now into the statistical linkage Key SLK sheet and just see where the issues are so we got percentage of clients with low quality SLK ‘s sitting there at 30.51% with a subset down the bottom.  Here on the left-hand side a subset of contributing factors. 

What is making these SLK ‘s of low quality, so we got a number he with an estimated date of birth, which again is the clients choice if they’re not unwilling or unsure of what their actual date of birth and we can put in an estimated year of birth. With the clients with unknown gender with missing first or last name and we have clients with pseudonym. Clients can use a pseudonym if they like our good reminder though that would just say to your client to ask your client that when they return to the service or to another service with an organisation that they use the same pseudonym. So that way then we get a high quality SLK.

On the right-hand side what we can see is SLK quality by outlet for client entered in the last six months, So for the different outlets that are within your organisation like you can actually see here that you’ve got safer outlet 22 which had 11 clients entered in the last six months and we’ve got actually 100% are with low quality SLK for this particular outlet.

 If we go to the distribution of outlets for each activity graph which is just in the bottom right-hand side the different activities what’s really good about this one.  It will actually highlight the different outlets that are delivering an activity so this graph will tell you whether the data quality issues at an outlet or is it more activity specific.  So with this particular one for outlet 12 with got 4% clients with low SLK 16 for that outlet 15. For outlet 6 we have 22 compared to say 13 outlet six here so if this could be a an outlet stiffly in outlet one, but also as running across this particular activity as well so providing that kind of information.

If we move across to the not stated demographic sheet and just making sure that we are on the same screen, So we can see here is if we go to the percentage of clients with not stated value we have got 28.28% here for this particular fictional organisation. Remember again this is training report so there is no live data. We then have a percentage of clients with gender is not stated quite high at 10.3% are percentage with both of countries not stated that .4%, 5.25% for percentage of clients with indigenous status is not stated, and again for main language and disability as well.

You can export this data by right clicking export data it takes it into the Excel spreadsheet and you can print out and have a look at that information and see what’s going on. But will move across now into unidentified group clients it will then be it’s very similar for the previous sheet providing us with information of issues that are occurring within these particular activities can see that that’s okay, this one here for unidentified client is 3.4% the outlets with this issue may be occurring we have that information there.

There are so far those five items we look at gender, country birth, indigenous, main language and disability. You will notice that with this particular graph you have your client IDs you have the client date that this client was entered into your system and had a session within the last two months. Then there gender status going through, So we can see what I can do is I will select say three items there and save that and is telling me here that client ID 1439 has gotten not stated option for country of birth, indigenous status and main language spoken at home.

So I might have that information  But maybe I have neglected to actually enter it or I might not have that information and just have a reminder that next time a client comes in. I could ask those questions again of them so that I could update this information for this client. Because it’ll be the client ID that’s in your system and actually make sure then we get a stronger SLK for that client.

So let’s just remove that filter there and move across now to the next sheet, which is the birthdate details.  Okay, so what we see here is a client with an errant date of birth.  So what that means is that the date of birth is either greater or equal to the session date which will very highly unlikely that that would happen and we have a client that is higher than the older than 110 years old at the session date. Now for your program  they client age is definitely out of the cohort that you’re targeting the graph on the right-hand side tells us which clients and what the issue is.

So here we have got the date of birth is on or after the session date so this is the date of birth that has been entered, the 5th of the 12th 2017 but the session date actually occurred on that date. 

It is very highly unlikely that a new born would be actually attending a session there okay then we’ve got this one here for client ID 6863 that the client is greater than 110 years old at the session date and we notice here that the 1st of the 1st 1900 okay and so the session actually the 19th July 2017, So we could go in an update that record their and we can see that there’s a few records with that particular issue.

For those of you that are going to be using the web-based portal as your data entry method that gives you provide you with that advice.  If you use the system to system or bulk upload and you notice that there is these particular issues arising you could go to your IT vendor because it could be an issue with the coding or either an issue with the person entering the data. We will look now the unidentified client details. 

This is a very interesting one as well because what it is telling us is that the number of sessions where the attendee was actually an unidentified client, So it’s providing us with the case ID and the session ID and the date that these occurred also the outlet and activity but also telling us that there was one person that attended the session; However there have been recorded as an unidentified client.

 Now that it would seem very unlikely because it is only one person attending a session you would know who they are and also for the TTL program the majority of you the accepted amount of unidentified client will be used 5% or less, but it is expected because you will know the client that is attending your session you will be able to record all those clients the in the Data Exchange.

Now what I am going to do is I will actually now go into the partnership approach reports for you will have a look at those. So let’s get that information.  I am just going to get rid of these reports.  If you do find that you know your loading reports may take a little bit longer you may have noticed that I have actually just gone through and I have removed some reports from my tab because it could clog up the reports displaying. Also two if you’re loading the reports for the first time.  It can also sometimes take a few more seconds than what would normally take because is the first time you’ve actually loaded those reports on your particular PC computer.

We will now look at the service footprint report.  As we mentioned this is report that we can use in map form to actually see where your clients are travelling from.  So what we might do is will have a look at our outlet information sheet first and this is just to show that this is the fictional service provider that we looking. If I click on the map you will notice that there is a lasso here so I can turn this lasso selection on so rather than individually going and selecting all these items I connection now draw where I would like to capture in this particular report and there’s my section.  There is my area okay.  I can now move to the SA2 sheet okay and zoom in a little bit more and so it’s actually showing me that if the clients of where they’re actually travelling from to actually access my services. 

So really good indication are you have you got people that are travelling outside of the area that you thought where they would be they’ve significantly predominately within that area of the outlet that we will we’ve got that outlets are really good report there for you to use to capture that information.  just to see where your clients are travelling from them to access your services there and again you got the client demographics information again to see we can break that down further, if you wanted to. Then display with that particular map that was chosen in the different demographics that were chosen to set a very quick run through on the service footprint.

 What we would do now is we will go to the client outcomes report again this is a great report for actually showing and highlighting the outcomes that your clients are achieving our what I will do and you will notice that again we got a few different sheets here I am going to filter this report just to narrow down.

Again, it is a training database report we got that filtered service provider three nine seven that’s fantastic but I can actually filter it down further, I can filter to individual clients, I can filter to reporting periods and I can also filter to outlets, activities and programs. 

So again, the reports will only highlight first, are the programs that you’re delivering for your organisation and remember that it mirrors the permissions that you have in the Data Exchange.  So if you can only enter or view data that for outlet 2809 that is the only data that you will see in your report. So if you do need to see more the outlets and programs that you need to talk to your Data Exchange organisation administrator to actually provide you access are to those particular outlets, program activities.

I am just going to remove the reporting period but I will leave the individual client type on their going to now select my overview report.  Okay, so what we got here in this overview report we looking at the number of clients with sessions, the percentage of clients that have been assessed and the percentage of clients with only a partial assessment. So a partial assessment means that they’ve only had a pre assessment or a post assessment they haven’t had both so were unable to actually see the outcomes that have been achieved by that particular those clients. There could be many reasons why a pre-and post hasn’t been actually achieved for the client. You may have a client who is attended initially and you’ve been able to do a pre-but then they’ve moved or something’s happened and they haven’t returned to the service.

Okay, we do need to make sure that we get the full assessments of a pre-and post, so that we can get those outcomes that are achieved. Bottom left-hand side we have now got the reporting periods in a graph so again I can select that way and I can filter my report there’s going to leave that there. What showing me on the right-hand side are my circumstances, goals and satisfaction.  So the number of clients assessed and a percentage that had an overall positive outcome for circumstances, goals and satisfaction.  I will move to the next sheet because next to sheets will look at the circumstances area of SCORE and is telling me now the percentage of clients with an overall positive circumstance, neutral, and negative so there is that language coming through are there as well so we can see what’s happening those clients. 

We then have got the number of clients with a pair circumstance domain so it means that if you got a pre-and post for the circumstances that you will be using as part of your minimum data set of employment, education and training. Then this is the number of paired circumstance domain so it could be more than one domain that clients are being assessed against if we move across into the next sheet There for circumstance percentage of clients with an overall positive outcome across outlets.

We have those figures percentages for positive, neutral, and negative coming through okay and then we have here a breakdown of all the different domains that have been recorded for the clients during this particular reporting period. Scroll down that will move that down for me, or if I what I can do is I can use that full-screen button again to make that larger, so I can select my employment and education there for someone that you be selecting.

If you are delivering different programs and you are recording different outcomes or circumstance domains you’d have all that listing their so we can select the employment and education and we can see now that outlet information before there were a lot of bubbles on here but we can see that these are the outlets that are recording this particular area domains for circumstances for the employment, education and training.

So with this one here the smaller one I can see outlet 3063 that they’ve had 13 clients assessed variability of score is .93 and there is a percentage of clients with an overall positive outcome of 100, compared to this outlet here that had 57 clients assessed percentage of overall positive outcome is 56 and is a variability of score there of 1.22.

So you should notice is the larger the bubble the more clients that have been assessed and this is really good because you can actually highlight the different outlets on how the recording.  So why is one outlet are achieving more positive outcomes than say another outlet, so again is just starting the conversation within your organisation to see what’s occurring and seen why different outlets were different programs are achieving different results for their clients. We then have the breakdown of the activities they so again if you’re only delivering TTL that will be the activities that will display if your organisation is delivering more programs and TTL you will have the break down there and you will be able to again put these in ascending descending order. Again, you can right click and export that information.

 If we move across now to the goal sheet and in goals as per your minimum data set you’d be looking at change behaviours change knowledge and access to information, and change skills have been identified as the ones that you would record. Remember earlier I said to you to check your filters if you don’t see the information that you think you should see, so if I go to my filter  I have got a filter here that is for the domain area for circumstances so will not carry across then I have basically blocked any information for goals or satisfactions. So what I need to do is remove that filter and then that information for goals will now display so again I have an overall positive, neutral and negative percentages of what my clients are achieving as per the circumstances want to. I have an average changing goals from pre-to post arm there and it’s at 1.66 and I have a number of features that were in the circumstances sheet as well.

If we move across to the next sheet we can see again we got little bubble graphs of our outlets that are delivering this particular program and other programs again those figures could positive, neutral, negative, carried through, and I can now again go and select my change behaviours.  I might just want to have a look and see how the outlets change I am going to now go and change knowledge let’s have a look at that one. See how those outlets there on the right-hand side of changes to the outcomes that have been achieved by the client and I for just remove that one I can now have a look at change skills I can see the breakdown there and that information changing as well. 

I have just removed the filter and I will now go to the satisfaction sheet in which satisfaction you be looking at a recording your clients, I am satisfied with the services I have received. So we’ve got here the information again very similar to the circumstances and goal sheet.  What is different on this particular sheet for satisfaction is that you have an average satisfaction score, so there is no change from a pre-to a post because remember that with the satisfaction score it’s only a post-satisfaction that you be recording because unfortunately, our clients can’t be pre-satisfied.

So that’s why there’s no change or shifting that is just what that average post satisfaction score is. If we move across into the next sheet for the percentages you can see that there and if we select that one “I am satisfied with the services” as outlined in your TTL minimum data set information and select.

We can see the spread of outlets there with a number of clients that are assessed and actually see what’s happening at these particular outlets is their processes or information that can be actually transferred to different outlets to assist them.  I can also do this now in my client demographics so I am going to do is just remove that filter.

So I want to look for my clients from 15 to 25. Remove that filter I can select male I can select are not CALD and disability service status and think that one there an indigenous status I can select aboriginal here.

So I can actually apply these filters go back to the overview report and have a look at those clients with filters that I have applied of disability status, indigenous status on not worrying about the CALD information. But as males in this reporting period and just see the breakdown of what is actually occurring for those clients and I can move through those sheets.

Now what I might want to do is to revisit this particular report every few weeks or every month and just get an updated information.  So rather than having to go into the report and apply these filters again I can actually bookmark these filters. So this little icon here bookmarks, okay select that and I can create a new bookmarks on the right-hand side just name it something meaningful and putting a description just click out of it and there it is there and I can go in and select it.  So what I am going to do just to demonstrate this for you, I am going to remove these filters going to go back here. I am going to open up this bookmark that I have got and those filters will automatically apply. So say for example I come back and revisit this in the next two weeks because of upload some information or in next month.

The information will update with the updated information. As for a bookmark it will update automatically once a select that are bookmark feature so that your bookmarking there and that is your client outcomes.  Our last report that I want to show this is the community profile, it has no Data Exchange information in it at all. The information that is contained in this report can be sourced from anything there in a search and somewhat what you can see here on your screen are the different sheets that are available.  What we will do is go to the data sources just so that you can see where we get our information from so we get from national census we get it from different departments and different areas here. 

The feedback we got when we release this report was extremely positive.  Organisations were so happy to have this because previously they had to go and find this information themselves.  However, it takes so long for them to do, but this information brings all that information from education from health into the one report for you.  So it is absolutely fantastic because it actually gives you an idea of what is happening in your community where your outlets and programs are being delivered.

So what we might do is go to the what area are you interested in and we going to select state so will select Victoria just for this example it select Ballarat and you can see the report now actually changing.  I can be going down to that level.  I can go down to an SA2, if I want to and you can see the information on the right-hand side has changed okay compared to what it was when I had didn’t have any filters there at all. So with the community profiles you will notice that all these different sheets aligned to the different domains that are found in the circumstances area of score. The programs are driven TTL its employment, education and training, so we’re going to have a look at just a quick look at employment for that particular area in Victoria of Ballarat is telling us what’s happening in the community because you might be finding that clients are coming in their accessing your services. 

They may not be the reason why they’re accessing it or they may not be achieving the outcomes that you think they should be achieving or they feel that they should be achieving, so there may be outside factors that are actually contributing to the how their achieving outcomes.  So what you can see here was the occupation of people in the labour force.  Now this information is taken from 2011 and it will always tell you the date that this information was from. With to the last census we have got some 2016 census information in as soon as that becomes available we do update this report.  Here we have a horseshoe dashboard and what it is telling me is that were the purple meets the blue is the national average, but where the black dial is that is the average for that particular area. So for the unemployment rate in Ballarat it is higher at 5.8% of the labour force that the unemployment rate there. That’s the 2011 figure the participation rate 15 years and over it slightly below the national average and then we’ve got here people undertaking unpaid work and we can also narrow that down and filter that more can see that that dial has changed.  Let me remove that and let’s select another area. 

You can see that that information changes, again depending on the filters that you apply okay, so you can have a look at the other sheets that are available that might be more appropriate for the program that you’re delivering and the different circumstances area domain their employment education and training that you’re actually collecting the data for.

You can also again as we said to the functionality of all the reports is the same, so I can bookmark this particular filters that I have applied I can create a story and take snapshots the same way.  Now what I would like to show you because I did mention when we built that story in that first report of the organisation overview report that you can only build the story relevant to that report within that report. We unfortunately we cannot link information from all different reports are into the one area, but what I will do is we have got a mock presentation of one that’s already made up so I will just grab that for you and you. This has got a little bit of information here of the program “A” July 2018 report. You can filter based on the information that you’ve gotten so you could use a snipping tool or a staggered or a print screen and paint where you could then go and collect your information. So then on this particular report here I have client attendance I have broken it down into this information and you will notice that I have also got information taken from whichever report I found it just helps me realise okay, next time I have to build something like this.

I know where to go, just a bit of a shortcut for myself and so you might want to employ that in your building of the reports to and we can have a look at this one here.  This was looking at client demographics I have done a bit of a screenshot of this one, cut and pasted this in and then I can build my report. I can also then start to collect other information from community profiles, from the data quality service footprint and build it into the one report. Now what we going to do is I am just going to pause my screen because we will go back to the presentation that has been a demonstration of the reports. Remember to keep those questions coming through because we will be answering or keeping the webinar open for another 10 minutes once we finish up. On the screen, you should have key points on reports; okay so let’s just wrap this up for us, so we think about the reports the data that you record is the data that you will see.

So what you put it is what you will get out; So quality in and quality out is what we are aiming for; so it is only as accurate as you make it so try to reduce the instances of not stated, if appropriate, as these are missed opportunities to collect and record information. A session must be recorded with in the reporting period for to display in the report; so if you create clients and cases but not sessions these will not display in the reports. Once a reporting period is closed, you cannot enter or amend any session details for that period. You can update and amend the client and case information and that data quality report was fantastic. Because it identifies the actual client id for you to go in and update that information remember too that your report permissions mirror your Data Exchange permission, so you will only see information for outlets and programs that you have been attached to in the Data Exchange by your Data Exchange organisation administrator.

If you need to see more outlets and programs, then please talk to DEX organisation administrator and they will be able to do that. The create and maintain outlet information task card is the one that will actually assist them in being able to do that. So check your data quality regularly again mentioned use the data quality report to do this and we have got those hyperlinks of why is this important or how do I fix this in those reports. If you’re unsure of how to update that information as well and fix it before the end of the reporting period. 

So we have a note here that you don’t need to ask your funding agreement manager about this because it’s something that you can check yourself it’s all about self-service and empowering you to do that and remember that you can update your client records at any time. That includes your first and last name the gender indigenous or disability status. The address and country of birth and main language spoken at home are not restricted to the reporting periods and decision information only during that relevant reporting period. So again you cannot break the reports go in have an explore set up some stories set up some bookmarks and we have got the reading reports guide and also the different task cards there on the Data Exchange website under the self-service reports tab that can actually assist you.

If after this webinar you need further assistance; your funding agreement manager they’ll be able to assist you in providing guidance on issues regarding the data entry or data quality there after you’ve had a look yourself and updated those issues if you need further assistance see them.

Also your IT vendor or specialist if you’re using system to system or bulk upload and there are issues or errors in your data upload, speak to your IT vendor or specialist as they will need to review the coding used to extract information from your client management system to the Data Exchange. 

You also may need to speak to our helpdesk as they’ll be able to assist you with other technical issues and provide you with the staging or sandpit environment for your IT vendor. So they can test the coding and testing programs for a live update or upload and we also have the Data Exchange website. So again typing DSS DEX and the website will display so you will find training and policy support material and we do strongly encourage you to subscribe so that you can get the latest updates. So on the screen you will have our website address you’ve got the helpdesk information, the phone number and also the email and again that reminder to subscribe. Well everyone we have come to the end of our webinar today as I mentioned earlier, I will leave the webinar open for 10 minutes for anyone who would like to send the questions through to our team to respond to.

For those of you that are leaving us now I would like to thank you all for your attendance and your attention today during this webinar will be looking at the reports on what the reports can do for you. Again I strongly encourage you to go in explore see what the reports can do set up your filters, your bookmarks and also your stories so that you can have an actual look around and see what those reports can do. We will endeavour to have this recorded webinar published and available for viewing on the Data Exchange website in the coming weeks, along with part one as well; but thank you so much and all the best and we will see you next time


This webinar provides an introduction to the Data Exchange reports for the Try, Test and Learn programs.

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